Onyx Collection

At Silverado Showers, we are proud to represent and install the Onyx Collection in the majority of the bathroom remodel work we do for our customers. With selections in shower bases, shower pans, tub-to-shower conversions, lavatories, tub surrounds, fireplace hearths, slabs, seats, trim and just about any bathroom accessory you can imagine, being a dealer for the Onyx Collection gives our customers access to top line bathroom remodel products at an excellent value. To learn more about the Onyx Collection and get ideas about colors and materials, check out the Onyx Collection website by clicking on their logo below

This statement is on every product we manufacture. It is a simple, clear guarantee, and everyone associated with our business understands it. If our product ever fails, we will either provide you with a new item or refund the cost. “Yes, Guaranteed Forever” says it all.

If you have a question, problem, or suggestion, please call us at 1-800-ONYXTOP (1-800-669-9867). We do our best to correct a problem to your satisfaction.

Bob Awerkamp – Founder

To learn more about the Onyx Collection

And get ideas about colors and materials, check out the Onyx Collection website by clicking on their logo. 


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